Kate in the Kitchen

Food talk, delicious ramblings and the evocative fare of a passionate cook

Friday, June 09, 2006

some items on my 'bad food' list

There is a definite line between 'bad food' and food that is 'bad for you'. Mostly I am all about eliminating food that is 'bad for you' as there is no point in eating this garbage. But then again, you could cram yourself with preservatives for your whole life and save embalming costs in the end, yet why would you?? That's dumb! Once in a while, eating 'bad food' isn't such a bad thing, there is a huge amount of comfort to be found in a big juicy burger and greasy french fries dragged through thick beef gravy (ketchup is a non-essential in my food world) but it's not food you eat night and day. And this stuff should be quickly eliminated from your diet as well.

Here is a partial list of what I eschew as 'bad for you' foods. I avoid these at all costs, and you should too. The alternatives are way cheaper, better for you and far more flavorful.

canned cream soups; velveeta; pre-mixed packaged anything- like rice or pasta mixes; canned vegetables; canned pasta meals; frozen pre-cooked anything like chicken, tacos, burritos etc; frozen meatballs or pre-shaped burger patties; jello; box cake mixes; box muffin mixes; pre-mixed cookie dough squares and cookie dough rolls; any fast food anything; frozen pizza; sugar cereals; bottled cheese dips; boxed bread machine mixes; bologna and hot dogs and other preservative laden meats; frozen dinners; ramen noodles; frozen dinner-in-a-bag meals; breakfast sausages; packaged cookies; pre-made muffins; most fruit yogurts (mostly sugar); those boxed lunch things for kids; any item listing 'partially hydrogenated oils of any kind;


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